Course Description

This accredited course will help participants understand how to match their organizations’ knowledge needs with the right capture and transfer approaches. It will include an overview of best practices for critical knowledge transfer and help participants understand needs to support access, refresh, and apply critical knowledge to realize the value. Participants will walk away knowing about knowledge transfer drivers and challenges, techniques for knowledge transfer, and how to use knowledge risk matrix to evaluate competing priorities. As an IACET Accredited Provider, APQC offers .4 IACET CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.


  • 1

    TCK-1 Introduction and Stage Setting

    • TCK-1.1 Instructor Introduction

    • TCK-1.2 APQC Course Completion Requirements

    • TCK-1.3 APQC's Knowledge Management Methodology

    • TCK-1.4 APQC's Knowledge Management Strategic Framework

    • TCK-1.5 Learning Objectives

  • 2

    TCK-2 Overview

    • TCK-2.1 Remembering Apollo: Why KM Is Mission Critical For NASA

    • TCK-2.2 Top KM Approaches

    • TCK-2.3 Top Knowledge Transfer Priorities

    • TCK-2.4 Effective Knowledge Transfer Approaches

    • TCK-2.5 Quiz #1

    • TCK-2.6 APQC's Knowledge Flow Cycle

    • TCK-2.7 Knowledge Transfer Challenges

    • TCK-2.8 Knowledge Transfer Methodology

    • TCK-2.9 Knowledge Transfer Example

    • TCK-2.10 Quiz #2

  • 3

    TCK-3 Strategy For Knowledge Transfer

    • TCK-3.1 Defining A Knowledge Transfer Strategy

    • TCK-3.2 Focus On Business Continuity

    • TCK-3.3 Business Leaders Drive Strategy

    • TCK-3.4 Design With Organizational Culture In Mind

    • TCK-3.5 Quiz #3

  • 4

    TCK-4 Identify Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-4.1 Identify Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-4.2 Criteria To ID Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-4.3 Example Criteria To ID Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-4.4 Identifying And Prioritizing Critical Knowledge At Kraft Foods

    • TCK-4.5 Quiz #4

    • TCK-4.6 Knowledge Loss Sources

    • TCK-4.7 Three Techniques

    • TCK-4.8 Quiz #5

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    TCK-5 Capture & Transfer Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-5.1 Three Considerations for Knowledge Transfer

    • TCK-5.2 KM Approaches

    • TCK-5.3 Social Media Tools

    • TCK-5.4 Learning Tools

    • TCK-5.5 Quiz #6

    • TCK-5.6 Determine The How

    • TCK-5.7 Structure as Project

    • TCK-5.8 Provide Multiple Channels

    • TCK-5.9 Quiz #7

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    TCK-6 Manage Access & Refresh of Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-6.1 Manage Access To Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-6.2 Make Knowledge Broadly Accessible

    • TCK-6.3 Make Access Easy

    • TCK-6.4 Navigate And Filter

    • TCK-6.5 Leverage Communities

    • TCK-6.6 Quiz #6

    • TCK-6.7 Managing Change

    • TCK-6.8 Motivate Knowledge Sharing & Reuse

    • TCK-6.9 Embed Knowledge Champions

    • TCK-6.10 Knowledge Sharing & Employee Performance

    • TCK-6.11 Help Employees Understand

    • TCK-6.12 Quiz #7

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    TCK-7 Ensure Application Of Critical Knowledge

    • TCK-7.1 Ensure Critical Knowledge Is Applied

    • TCK-7.2 Build Knowledge Into Documentation & Training

    • TCK-7.3 Make Stakeholders Accountable

    • TCK-7.4 Use Measures And Success Stories

    • TCK-7.5 Quiz #8

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    TCK-8 Highlights and Wrap-Up

    • TCK-8.1 APQC Resources

    • TCK-8.2 Course Summary

    • TCK - 8.3 Course Evaluation