Course Description

This course will explain why organizations map knowledge; show critical success factors for making and analyzing maps; and demonstrate how organizations use completed maps to improve strategy and operations.

Participants will build skills in this workshop by:

  • practicing the tactical steps and tools to scope and complete a knowledge map; 
  • identifying and analyzing knowledge gaps; and
  • using the insights from knowledge mapping to enhance critical knowledge flow in and across business processes. 

As an IACET Accredited Provider, APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.


  • 1

    KMP-1 Introduction and Stage Setting

    • KMP-1.1 Introduction video

    • KMP-1.2 APQC Course Completion Requirements

    • KMP-1.3 APQC's Knowledge Management Methodology

    • KMP-1.4 Knowledge Mapping Course Learning Objectives

  • 2

    KMP-2 Overview of Knowledge Mapping

    • KMP-2.1 Overview of Knowledge Mapping

    • KMP-2.2 Overview of Knowledge Mapping - Resources

    • KMP-2.3 Quiz - Overview of Knowledge Mapping

  • 3

    KMP-3 Knowledge Maps and Their Use

    • KMP-3.1 Knowledge Maps and Their Use

    • KMP-3.2 Types of Knowledge Maps

    • KMP-3.3 Quiz - Knowledge Maps

  • 4

    KMP-4 Understanding Knowledge Flow

    • KMP-4.1 Critical Knowledge and its Impact

    • KMP-4.2 Sample Knowledge Mapping Questions

    • KMP-4.3 Critical Knowledge Resources

    • KMP-4.4 Quiz - Understanding Critical Knowledge

  • 5

    KMP-5 Strategies for Making Maps

    • KMP-5.1 Steps to Create a Knowledge Map

    • KMP-5.2 Select Focus Area

    • KMP-5.3 Define the Value

    • KMP-5.4 Establish the Team

    • KMP-5.5 Create the Plan

    • KMP-5.6 Identify the Criteria

    • KMP-5.7 Complete the Map

    • KMP-5.8 Conduct Analysis

    • KMP-5.9 Knowledge Mapping Charter

    • KMP-5.10 Quiz - Knowledge Flow Mapping Technique and Best Practices

  • 6

    KMP-6 Conducting a Knowledge Mapping Session

    • KMP-6.1 Starting the Knowledge Mapping Session

    • KMP-6.2 Seven Tips for Facilitating a Knowledge Mapping Session

    • KMP-6.3 Steps to Create a Knowledge Map

    • KMP-6.4 Knowledge Mapping Spreadsheet Walkthrough

    • KMP-6.5 Knowledge Map Example

    • KMP-6.6 Knowledge Mapping Template

    • KMP-6.7 Quiz - Conducting a Knowledge Mapping Session

  • 7

    KMP-7 Analyzing Your Maps for Results

    • KMP-7.1 Analyze, Plan, & Prioritize Improvements

    • KMP-7.2 Quiz - Analyzing Your Maps for Results

  • 8

    KMP-8 Knowledge Mapping in Action

    • KMP-8.1 Examples of Knowledge Mapping in Use

    • KMP-8.2 Best Practices From other Organizations

    • KMP-8.3 Final Quiz - What Great Looks Like

    • KMP-8.4 APQC Knowledge Mapping Resources

  • 9

    KMP-9 Highlights and Wrap-Up

    • KMP-9.1 Final Wrap-up

    • KMP - 9.2 Course Evaluation